Terms Of Use

Terms and Conditions

Article 1 – Object

The object of this present is the definition of terms and conditions on the basis of which the company will provide the subscriber/consumer with access to the purchase of clothing products through the website www.mencp.gr

Article 2 – Contract Duration

The term of validity of the present starts from the date of its registration and is agreed for an indefinite period of time, subject to special terms of time duration.

Article 3 – Introduction – Definitions

In this user agreement the definitions which have the following content:

3.1 «Company»: The company «TRADE OF READY-MADE CLOTHING – SHOES / SOKOLOVA VALERYIA» (hereinafter also referred to as the «Company»), is the company based in Chania at Sfakion & 18 Voloudakidon Street, P.C. 73134 with V.A.T. 120209219, telephone 2821402753, created on the website www.mencp.gr (hereinafter also referred to as the «Website»), an online clothing store under the title «MEN CLOTHING PALACE – TRADE OF READY-MADE CLOTHING – SHOES / SOKOLOVA VALERYIA», with for the purpose of developing the company’s business activity on the internet, under the following terms and conditions of use which the visitor / user is invited to use only if he fully accepts them.
3.2 « Website »:  The project of the online store entitled « MEN CLOTHING PALACE – TRADE IN READY-MADE CLOTHING – SHOES / SOKOLOVA VALERYIA» operates at the online address www.mencp.gr
3.3 « Visitor/User »: The visitor, user, browser of the «Website» who is not a registered member
3.4 « Registered Member»: The visitor, user, browser of the «Website» who, through the special registration form, has registered as a member of the website www.mencp.gr without subscriber rights.
3.5 « Active Subscriber »: The registered member of the website, www.mencp.gr who consents or registers through the special platform by entering his personal e-mail address in the «company’s» product offers newsletter.

 Article 4 – Limited License

The project of the electronic platform entitled «MEN CLOTHING PALACE – TRADE OF READY-TO-MADE CLOTHES – SHOES / SOKOLOVA VALERYIA» by the creator «I2Csoft S.M.P.C. – SOFTWARE AND HARDWARE R&D SERVICES» is available under a limited license.

4.1 The «Visitor / user» of the website consents to the following terms of use, which apply to all content, pages, graphics, images, photographs and files included in the «Website». If, he must carefully read these terms before visiting or using the pages and services of the «Website». If you do not agree, then you must not use the services and its content.
4.2  The «Company», subject to the conditions set forth herein and all applicable laws and regulations, grants a non-exclusive, non-transferable, personal, limited right to access, use and display certain of the pages of the «Website» to its visitors. Registered members have access to all the content of the website, while registered subscribers also receive updates on any renewal or new receipt of goods concerning the company. This license does not constitute a transfer of title to the website and its content or products. The use provided to you through the «Website» is subject to the prohibition of modifying the website, its content and products, in any way, as well as the prohibition of reproduction or public presentation, copying, distribution, trading or in other ways of exploiting it, with or without compensation, as well as its content and products for a public or commercial purpose.
4.3 The «Visitor / user» is requested to check the content of the specific pages for possible changes. The continued use of the Network even after the respective changes means the unconditional ACCEPTANCE on the part of the «Visitor / user» of these TERMS AND CONDITIONS.

Article 5 – Obligations limitation of company liability

5.1 The content and information as well as the products included in the «Website» constitute an offer to its visitor / user. The «Company» and the «Website» make every effort to ensure that the information as well as the products and other items related to them such as their monetary value, the availability of the coke, as they appear on the website (website) of the «Website» are always correct and complete.
5.2 The «Company» undertakes the obligation to remotely provide products related to its commercial activity as well as to inform the «Registered Members» as well as the «Active Subscribers» of any modifications or changes (e.g. offers or discounts) , through a published announcement on the «Website» or through electronic mail (email). Any use of the «Website» after such modification shall be deemed to constitute acceptance of the changes, modifications, additions or deletions.
5.3  Under no circumstances is the «Company» responsible for any form of damage suffered by the « Visitor / User», «Registered Member » or « Active Subscriber» due to his own negligence such as: a) interception or loss of personal access information due to his own incomplete insurance b) for inaccurate data entered in the respective data filling forms c) for the intentional damage caused to a product by him/herself d) for incorrect shipment due to filling in invalid information e) for product shipment delays due to the transport companies. Otherwise, the company must compensate the customer,  it is not possible to return the money.
5.4 The «Company» does not guarantee that the pages, services, options and contents will always be provided without interruption, without errors and that errors will be corrected. Also, the «Company» does not guarantee that the same or other related website (site or the servers (servers) through them are made available to you, are provided to you without harmful components.
5.5 The «Company» undertakes the collection, processing and distribution of the content of the «Website», but without under any circumstances guaranteeing the completeness, completeness, work and general appropriateness thereof and the absence of possible errors, much more so due to the particularly large volume, during its primary production and collection.

Article 6 – Liability of visitor/user/registered member

6.1 The «Visitor / User», «Registered Member» of the pages and services of the «Website» assumes responsibility for any damage caused to the «Website» by bad or unfair use of the relevant services.

Άρθρο 7 – Δικαιώματα πνευματικής και βιομηχανικής ιδιοκτησίας

7.1 Apart from the expressly mentioned exceptions (copyrights of third parties, partners and entities), all the content of the online store www.mencp.gr, including images, graphics, photos, plans, texts, the services provided, etc. (hereinafter content), are the intellectual property of www.mencp.gr and are protected by applicable national, community and international law. The online store www.mencp.gr retains all copyrights regarding the content and the copies that appear based on it.
7.2 The use of the services of the website does not imply the provision and transfer of rights or licenses to use the services of the website, excluding the limited right to use the Service.
7.3 For the contents of the website provided and uploaded (uploaded) locally to a simple personal PC (electronic computer) by the visitor / User, the «Company» grants the right only for «STRICT PERSONAL USE» and does not proceed to grant any other right.
7.4 Upon acceptance of the terms of use, non-commercial use and reproduction, in whole or in part, is permitted, provided that the reproduced product is subsequently freely available via the Internet or other suitable means and is accompanied by a clear and discreet reference to the original source of. Any other use with the written permission of the copyright owner or holder.
7.5 Meanwhile, none may in whole or in part be sold, copied, modified, reproduced, republished or “uploaded”, transmitted or distributed in any way.
7.6 The other products or services mentioned anywhere and bearing the marks of the respective organizations, companies, partner bodies or associations are their own intellectual and industrial property and these actors bear the relevant responsibility.

Article 8 – Links (links)

8.1 Links to other websites: The «Company» does not control the disposition, content, personal data protection policy, quality and completeness of the services of other websites and pages to which it refers via (links) or advertising images (banners). If problems arise while visiting / using them, you should contact the administrators of the respective websites directly, who are solely responsible for the provision of their services. The «Company» can in no way be considered to endorse or accept the content or services of the websites and pages to which it refers or to be connected with them in any other way.
8.2 Links to the www.mencp.gr website: «Links» to the «Website» are only allowed to its main page and not to the pages that have (possibly) an access code, unless there is an express agreement to the contrary between «Website» and referring to this operator. Moreover, these «links» must only appear via hyperlinks and not via images.

Article 9 – Newsletters (Newsletters)

9.1 The acceptance of the terms of use of the «Website» and the user’s download of its products, constitutes his unreserved consent for the «Company’s» use of the user’s e-mail address for sending these newsletters – news of as well as other commercial communications.
9.2 In the event that the user does not wish to send newsletters – news of the «Company» and other commercial communications in the future, he can immediately delete his e-mail address from the list of addresses receiving such messages using the special deletion code in the special category registration/deletion of «Website» Newsletters.

10 – Member registration – member account (user account)

1.1 The Website allows the «Visitor / User »to register as a member of the «Website («Registered Member ») and agrees to: a) provide true, accurate, valid and complete information regarding the requested information from the «Website» in the relevant requests for access to its contents/services and b) to maintain and update the information registered to it so that it is kept true, accurate, valid, up-to-date and complete.
10.2 The «Website» provides the «Registered Member» with special services, after accepting the terms of use of the website and completing the registration process of their details. The «Registered Member» when the registration process defined by the «Website» is completed, will confirm a personal access password and username (username) via e-mail.
10.3  The « Registered Member» remains solely responsible for all operations carried out with his personal password, username and generally his account (user account). The «Registered Member» agrees to immediately notify the    «Website » of the unauthorized use of his account and the general occurring and/or possible breach of security. Also, the «Registered Member» is solely responsible for the careful use of his account and his standard exit from his account at the end of each use (Logout).
10.4 The «Website» is not responsible for damage or loss resulting from the failure of members to respect and follow this clause.
10.5 The «Registered Member» is prohibited from interfering with the services or disrupting the services or servers or networks connected to the services of the «Website», or referencing the conditions, procedures and rules of use of these networks.
10.6 The «Registered Member» understands and accepts that the «Website» reserves the exclusive right to terminate the use of its access code(s) to its services and/or delete its availability to the «Registered Member» who it believes has violated the letter and the spirit of these terms of use.

Article 11 – Special conditions for creating a subscriber account

The special rules for creating a subscriber account refer to the general rules herein and in addition:

11.1 For the registration of a «Visitor/User» to the services of the subscription services that historical orders, automatic filling of forms when the «Website» is registered as a «Registered Member».
11.2 The provision of subscription Services to «Registered Members» is provided for a period of time agreed between the «Company» and the «Registered Member».


When activating the newsletters, the «Registered Member» or the «Visitor/User» can state at the respective time his personal e-mail address where he wishes to receive news and offers for the «Company’s» products. By subscribing to the «Company’s» newsletter, the interested party is an «Active Subscriber». The «Active Subscriber» has the right to be deleted from the newsletter at any time he wishes, without any charge, by informing the «Company» with a relevant electronic message (email) or through the corresponding unsubscribed link.

Article 12 – Special terms and conditions for using the online store

These special terms refer to the general terms:

12.1 The «Online Store» provides the content (products, services, photos, information, etc.)  “as is”. For this reason, before the services of the «Electronic Store», we invite you to consult the following special terms and conditions of use.
12.2 For the convenience of the «Users» the products of the «Electronic Store» have been categorized. Each category has its own individual products.
12.3  Each product is characterized by a unique «Product Code», description, cost,
12.4 The «Company» reserves the right to change the billing policy without prior notice, but always without retroactive effect. In any case, the charges are made after the buyer accepts «Visitor / User» (hereinafter «Customer»).
12.5 The «Company»reserves the right to change services for special occasions (holiday offers, etc.). Offers are valid for the period announced and without retroactive effect.
12.6 The «Company» is committed to the completeness and validity of the information listed in the «Electronic Store» both in terms of the exact information displayed. Subject to technical or typographical errors that cannot be foreseen or occur unintentionally.
12.7 The «Company» is not responsible towards the «Visitors/Users» for the execution or non-execution of their order when this is due to the fault of the «Customer».
12.8 The «Company» is not responsible for any legal or civil and/or criminal reports from «Customers» or third parties, for reasons related to the operation or non-operation of the «Website» or the temporary inability to provide services.
12.9 The «Company» strives to provide high-quality ready-to-wear-footwear products. It is not responsible for any errors in prices and product characteristics and cannot make sure that there will be no downtime of the website or «human» errors when listing the price of a product.
12.10 The «Electronic Store» does not accept direct transactions with bank cards (credit or debit) and does not store credit card numbers and security codes of buyers. The «Company» cooperates for its electronic purchases with PIRAEUS BANK. Transactions are protected and carried out in a secure transaction environment of these companies. At this stage, all communication is encrypted using a 128-bit key. In addition, transactions with the replacement are allowed (cost charge of 2 euro). As long as the replacement is under  €500, you can pay the replacement in cash, but based on current legislation for orders whose total value exceeds €500 (including taxes and other charges) payment by replacement can only be made using a debit or credit card at the courier’s POS at the time of delivery.
12.11 After the payment of the order, the customer receives at the e-mail address he has declared, a documentary payment and a special link from the courier company to locate the product
12.12 Payment by bank deposit must be made within 48 hours of ordering. Otherwise, the order can be canceled at any time by the «Company». It is important for the customer to send a copy of the bank order to the online store’s email address ([email protected]). In detail, the payment methods are listed on the «website» in the payment methods category. The products are sent via transport companies (e.g. ELTA, ACS, etc.) or the product can be picked up at the physical premises of the «company». The customer receives at the e-mail address he has declared, a documentary payment and an identification code to track the status of the product as provided by the transport company.
12.13 When making a deposit to a bank account, the «Customer» is obliged to state as «Reason for deposit» his name and «Order Code» which has been sent by e-mail to the valid e-mail address declared by him. The «Company» is not responsible, otherwise the said deposit cannot be confirmed.


Refunds: In any case, a refund claim for IMPOSSIBLE products that have been paid for is NOT possible.

Tax Payment Documents (Receipt / Invoice)

13.1 Upon completion of the order, payment and receipt of the products, the company is required to issue and send a tax document (Receipt or Invoice).
13.2 The company issues and sends by default a receipt for the executed orders, unless the customer is a legal entity, he must state on the order form that he wishes to issue an invoice and, in addition, state the details of the Legal entity. Company Name, Representative Details, Company Activity, A.F.M, D.O.Y.
13.3 The customer agrees to the sending of the tax documents to the e-mail address (e-mail) that he has declared and if he wishes to be sent by post, he is obliged to declare a complete postal address.

Thank you for your consideration,



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